Something to break up the constantly happening war, ya know?
In Fire Emblem: Engage, you must protect the vast world of Elyos. By working with your friends and Emblem Ring partners, you will be able to successfully complete battles and defeat your enemies. But when you are not battling it out with your stylish Rings, your unit, Alear, will have the opportunity to relax and explore Engage’s central hub world. Though initially vacant and silent, this quaint location has the possibility to become bustling and exciting. With new lands, shops, and a castle to explore, it makes you wonder what kinds of activities might return from past Fire Emblem games.
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Will they be fun? Will they be tedious? Whichever the case, here are some activities that we would appreciate returning in Fire Emblem: Engage.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses gave you a lot of new and exciting activities to enjoy when you weren't teaching or fighting. One of those many activities was fishing, a button-tapping minigame that yielded, well, fish. As simple as this minigame was, it could sometimes be difficult to get a perfect score if you were a tiny bit offbeat.
Fishing’s return in Fire Emblem: Engage would mean having emergency meals on the table and a sellable product in the marketplace. Engage does not necessarily have to make fishing harder, but it would be nice if there were more fishing locations in the game’s hub world. Maybe having different ponds could mean having more unique and special fish to catch.
The arena was a location in Fire Emblem: Fates where you could take a gamble and try to increase your resources. The more times you reentered the fight with your selected characters, the stronger the enemy became and the greater the rewards were. Sometimes, you could even enter an arena fight with a partner and deal double the damage!
The arena’s comeback in Fire Emblem: Engage will allow you to take the same risk and get the chance to increase either your produce, weapons, or money. You could even have your Emblem Ring partner help you out in battles! Now that sounds like a spectacle.
A fun feature in Fire Emblem: Fates was the ability to build and design your own base camp. Acting as your hub world between battles, ‘My Castle’ was where Corrin could rest, talk to their allies, harvest ingredients, and even go to the hot spring! Sometimes, you even had to defend your Castle against mysterious unknown forces!
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As seen in Engage’s trailer, Alear will already have a large hub world to explore. It would be cool if, in this new area, you had the ability to choose which features you would like to include. You could also design it to have a formidable defense system, perfect in case any enemies get too close.
The Accessory Shop was one of the buildings you could include in your Castle in Fire Emblem: Fates. As the name implies, this shop was where you could purchase accessories such as hats, glasses, masks, and shields. These items could then be given to your units to help decrease their damage intake or increase the damage they could do. In some cases, the given accessory could also increase a unit’s likeliness to appear in other shops or areas.
If the Accessory Shop were to make a comeback in Engage, then accessories seen on other Fire Emblem characters could be purchased and worn by units. We already know that units can change their outfits, so why not give them a shop where they can expand their options for customization?
There was nothing like entering Garreg Mach for the first time and seeing all the new areas that Three Houses had to offer. And, even though this type of grandiose navigation could become tedious at times, it still gave the game a substantial amount of openness. Typical world exploration may seem a bit cliché to have in a Fire Emblem game, but what if it could be improved?
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia's gameplay, for example, included dungeon crawling and was able to balance both it with turn-based combat. Having that type of exploration in Engage can help to flesh out and show off Elyos. Plus, wouldn’t it be cool if you could explore outside your hub world and step into other Fire Emblem worlds via some type of Emblem Ring magic?
Tutoring was one of the main activities from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. As a Garreg Mach professor, Byleth’s job was to help their students (and fellow faculty members) with different areas of weaponry. Under Byleth’s tutelage, members from all three houses had the opportunity to improve their abilities. Tutoring was a convenient way to gain experience in certain weapon types without having to necessarily participate in missions and battles.
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If tutoring were to return in Engage, it could be used for the same purpose of maximizing a character’s learned skill. And, after being asleep for centuries, Alear’s probably has a lot of studying to catch up on!
Sharing a meal was a go-to activity in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Three Hopes. After acquiring a certain combination of ingredients, either through fishing, shopping, or foraging, you could invite your allies to partake in a quick meal with you. Sometimes, the two characters you picked would even have unique dialogue!
If meals were to return in Engage, then you can become closer to your allies and be able to unlock their support conversations faster. It is a simple activity, yet one that reminds us to slow down, eat a meal, and enjoy the mundane things in life.
Choir Practice was another activity offered in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Located in the Cathedral of Garreg Mach, this activity allowed Byleth to sing with their students and colleagues. Not only could Byleth improve their faith and authority skills, but they could also become closer to the two allies they invited. On top of that, the chosen allies also gained a boost in faith experience!
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Having Choir Practice, or some type of singing practice, can help strengthen team morale while also improving a character’s magic capabilities. Maybe, in Engage’s world, you will also be able to sing outside as well as inside.
Back in Fire Emblem: Fates, there was a luck-based activity located in a little store called the Lottery Shop. Every day, you would be eligible to enter a lottery run by one of your teammates and get a chance to win big. Sometimes, the lottery would yield simple items like fish or cabbage, but other times you might receive something amazing, like a silver sword or a shuriken.
Though you couldn’t do this activity often, it was nice to check in once or twice a day just to see if you might get lucky. Hopefully, if this activity returns in Engage, we won’t have to pay actual additional cash to get better items.
Tea Parties were another team bonding activity that originated in Three Houses. After initiating a Tea Party with an ally, you were tasked with providing a good cup of tea as well as an impactful conversation. If done correctly, you would be rewarded with a Perfect Tea Time as well as an extra Charm point. Tea Time allowed you to strengthen your relationships with different characters further and enjoy some downtime outside of school, missions, and war.
Its return in Engage would not only be keeping one of Three Houses’ (and technically Three Hopes') most memorable activities but also allow you to further improve your support levels. Plus, it was a nice way to celebrate an ally’s birthday.
Next: Protagonist Weapons We Wish Return In Fire Emblem Engage
Abigail is a freelance writer from New Jersey. She graduated with a major in English, a minor in Art History, and a concentration in Creative Writing. When she’s not writing, she’s catching up on anime, trying to finish one of her Nintendo games, or watching cats on Youtube.