There seems to be a renewed interest in the Jeffrey Dahmer case, since the release of the “Monster” Netflix series with Evan Peters. Because now the reading glasses he wore in prison are for sale . . . for $150,000. (!!!)
They’re being sold by Cult Collectibles . . . which is a Canadian-based site where you can buy items from serial killers, cult leaders, and other high-profile criminals.
The guy who runs it said he got the glasses and other Dahmer memorabilia a few years ago. He was contacted by a former housekeeper of Dahmer’s dad and agreed to manage and sell the collection for a portion of the profit.
The glasses aren’t listed on the site, but those interested in purchasing can contact Cult Collectibles directly. Other items on the site include his prison Bible, urn, family photos, and documents.
(Dahmer was beaten to death by a fellow inmate in 1994.)