Hark ye Lords and Ladies! I come bearing tidings of most excellent news. While there are many trunk-or-treats, haunted houses, neighborhoods doing trick-or-treating this Halloween; we're also getting a third go-round with the Renaissance Faire down on 6th Street.
Yes, for a third year, Route 66 is going Medieval on Amarillo for Halloween.
So far, we know it will be on Saturday Oct 29. That's pretty much it at the moment. There have been several, several, posts made on social media issuing the call for any and all interested vendors, artists, and local businesses to reach out to participate.
That's good enough for me. All I need is the date.
Historically, no pun intended, there's plenty to take in at the Renaissance Faire on Route 66. They've even had pro-wrestling down at the ren-faire.
That being said, I'm really interested in seeing what all is planned for this year.
If you'll think back to that awful year, we were seeing a lot of events being canceled in the area. The Renaissance Faire stepped in after other events had canceled to give the community something to look forward to.
It's nice to see it still going.
As more details come out, I'll be sure to pass them along. For now, though, it looks like we can play to make a stop on 6th Street on Oct 29 for the 3rd Annual Renaissance Faire.