Open Call: Expanding Access to Low-Cost Eyeglasses and Assistive Technology - fundsforNGOs

2022-10-08 17:43:30 By : Ms. Sunrise Yu

Grants and Resources for Sustainability

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking applications for the program entitled “Expanding Access to Low-Cost Eyeglasses and Assistive Technology”.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is funding one three-year grant for up to USD $2.5 million in partnership with ATscale, the Global Partnership for Assistive Technology, with the purpose of expanding low-cost eyeglass provision and supporting strategic AT activities in an identified country.

There are two key objectives for this project:

Overall sector: Assistive technology, vision and vision impairment, refractive error, eyeglasses, spectacles, health

The funding available for this grant is up to USD 2.5 million.

A range of interventions can be proposed depending on context and consultations with the government:

Limitations: Only not-for-profit organisations, such as non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and academic institutions, with demonstrated experience developing health, assistive technology and/or eyeglass programming in partnership with national governments in low-or middle-income countries are eligible to apply. Consortiums may apply, but a prime organisation must be selected as part of that consortium and must be a not-for-profit organisation as described above. For-profit organisations may be included in the project through sub-agreements.

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