Photo standards (accessible) - GOV.UK

2022-10-14 06:14:10 By : Ms. lily Xu

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Photo standards and instructions for examiners dealing with photo quality assurance during examination

This guidance tells examiners working on the Application Management System and Digital Application Processing about:

photo standards and exceptions for adults and children

automatic photo quality assurance for paper and digital photos

manual examination of photos, including when and how to accept or reject photos

For guidance about the checks you must complete to confirm a customer’s identity see:

If you have any questions about the guidance and your line manager or senior caseworker cannot help you or you think that the guidance has factual errors then email Guidance & Quality, Operating Standards.

If you notice any formatting errors in this guidance (broken links, spelling mistakes and so on) or have any comments about the layout or navigability of the guidance then you can email Guidance & Quality, Operating Standards.

Below is information on when this version of the guidance was published:

published for Home Office staff on 10 March 2021

This document has had minor reformatting changes.

This page tells examiners why we have photo standards and about the automated checks the system does.

All passport photos for adults and children must:

meet the standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)

be a true likeness of the intended passport holder

These standards will make sure photos are captured by facial recognition software accepted in the United Kingdom and by international border control.

Customers must provide HM Passport Office with recent photos to help us confirm their identity by:

automatic (system) checks, for example facial matching

manual checks, for example, examiners comparing images on the system

Children’s photos must meet the same standards as adults but may also meet one or more exceptions. See exceptions to photo standards for children.

Customers send us a paper photo if they apply using a paper form (for example, when they apply using the postal channel, or if they apply at a counter).

Customers must follow the guidance for paper photos included in the paper application pack, or on GOV.UK, and send their paper photo to us with their paper application form.

upload a digital photo that they have either taken at home, or got from a photo shop

enter a photo code to retrieve their photo which they have got from a photo shop or booth

DCS advises customers that photos taken in a shop or booth are more likely to meet the photo rules.

DCS provides detailed adult and children guidance on how to take a digital photo. This includes good and bad examples of photos to show how to meet the photo rules.

The online customer guidance tells the customer to:

use a plain light-coloured background

use even lighting with no shadows or reflections

stand in the right position

have a plain expression and face in full view

The system completes an automated technical check, and then shows the customer the photo for them to review.

If there are no errors the customer can:

continue and submit the photo

choose to take another photo

If there are errors, the online check will show the customer the reason for the result and tips on how to correct any errors. The customer can:

use the photo if they think the reason for the result is not correct

use the photo if they cannot meet the rules because of a religious or medical reason

choose to use another photo

Before they can submit the photo, customers must confirm that their photo meets the rules.

If there are errors with the photo, the customer is asked to explain (in a mandatory drop-down box) why they want to use it. They must tell us:

why they think the photo meets the rules

if there is a religious or medical reason why they cannot meet the rules

When we receive the customer’s application and photo, some checks are done automatically by our systems. For example, on photos:

examined on AMS (see photo quality assurance)

You, the examiner, must make the decision to accept or reject a photo when dealing with a:

photo quality task on Digital Application Processing (DAP)

Because of the automated photo checks, the manual checks that you, the examiner, must complete are based on whether:

the customer has sent us a paper or digital photo

you are working on AMS or DAP (see Examining paper and digital photos)

This page tells examiners about the standards for paper and digital photos.

You must read these sections together with Examining paper and digital photos.

HM Passport Office will accept:

digital photos taken against any plain background that is any light colour

paper photos taken against plain, light grey or cream backgrounds

We will accept textured backgrounds (for example woodchip or painted brick walls) if the background:

will not show any visible marks

You, the examiner, must check the photo and consider if any visible marks will show when the photo is printed in the passport.

You must remember that the photo you see on the system may be larger than the photo printed in the passport. This may enhance marks which may not show when the photo is printed in the passport.

We will accept the photo if the background tone or shade is not consistent across the photo, for example, if it is lighter or darker in places, as long as the customer’s face and features are clear.

We will accept photos lightened by the scanning process but showing no other negative effects.

We will not accept patterned backgrounds (for example patterned wallpaper) if the background marks will be visible when the photo is printed in the passport.

Nothing can cover the face. HM Passport Office will accept beards, moustaches, bindis (coloured dots on the forehead) and permanent tattoos. We may also accept body piercings, such as lip rings, eyebrow piercings and nose rings.

Multiple facial piercings make it difficult for the system to capture the outline of the customer’s eyes, mouth, nose, chin and cheekbones. We advise customers to remove their piercings (if possible) before taking a photo, as we will reject photos where piercings cause reflection.

Photos must be in sharp focus, showing a strong definition and contrast between face and background. We will not accept photos that do not show a clear image of the customer (for example photos are blurry, too dark or too light).

squarely face the camera, with a straight head

make sure chin and top of head are clearly visible (if hair on the top of head has been cropped from a photo we may still accept it)

We will reject any photo where a customer’s face or head is:

tilted backward, forward or to the side

turned to one shoulder or at an angle

To capture a true likeness of the customer, both their eyes must be open and, clearly visible. The system will have problems finding correct eye positions, unless the customer’s eyes are in the top 40% to 70% of the photo (vertical eye band).

wear any type of tinted glasses (visually impaired and blind customers must remove their tinted glasses)

have hair across one or both eyes

We will not accept photos if the customer is not looking at the camera.

When a customer takes a digital photo, their eyes may appear to be looking slightly away. The system has found the customer’s eyes if the digital photo has passed the automatic online check. You must not reject the photo due to the customer looking away if the photo has passed the online check.

If the customer wears glasses, both eyes must be clearly visible. Glasses frames may be over the eye socket or eyelids but must not hide the eyes in any way (the white and pupil of the eye).

Glasses can cause glare or reflection (in particular, strong lenses). Customers must remove their glasses, if they cause glare or reflection that covers the eye, as this may prevent the system from locating the correct eye positions.

Glasses can cause distortion, for example through the lens at the side of the customer’s face, If the photo has passed the automatic checks (on DCS or Photo QA on AMS) you can accept the photo, as the system has identified the eye positions. If the photo has failed the automatic check, you must reject the photo.

If the photo has failed the automatic check, you, the examiner, must accept the photo if there is no visible distortion or glare.

Customers must send photos taken in the last month. If you, the examiner, suspects a customer’s photos are older than a month (for example, the photo has a date stamp) you must reject them.

If HM Passport Office has delayed an application due to application checks (for example, a customer needs to attend an overseas interview), you must use your discretion to accept the photos they sent us at the beginning of the application process (up to 12 months ago).

You can use your discretion to accept a photo (up to 12 months old) for any travel for urgent compassionate grounds or urgent government business.

Photos must always show a true likeness of the customer, or you will need to ask for new ones.

If the photo is of a child, see exceptions to photo standards for children.

Red-eye shows as a red circle or a crescent shape covering the eye. You, the examiner, must reject the photo if red-eye shows on the paper photos or on screen.

HM Passport Office considers bare shoulders and military or school uniforms acceptable and a personal choice for the customer. You must reject any clothing that hides the face or facial features (for example, hoodies or collars pulled up to ear level).

Passport photos must be of the customer on their own, without other people or objects in the picture.

Unless it is for religious or medical reasons, customers must not wear hats or head coverings in their passport photos. You must not accept headwear that:

casts a shadow on or around the face, if the shadows hide the customer’s face

hides parts of the customer’s face

distorts or alters the customer’s face (for example, very tight scarves)

causes contrast problems between the customer’s head and the background (for example, head coverings that are white or light in colour)

For exceptions, see head coverings worn for religious reasons.

HM Passport Office will not accept mirror images (when the photo is flipped from right to left or left to right) as it may cause problems at border control for the customer.

Examiners must challenge mirror images when comparing them with previous photos of the customer (for example, if there is a distinguishing mark on one side of their face).

If you suspect the photo is a mirror image, you must ask the customer to write to HM Passport Office stating that their photo is a true likeness.

You must reject any photo where the customer’s mouth is open if this changes the shape of the customer’s face.

You must accept the photo when:

the customer’s mouth is relaxed and:

their teeth are visible or

their facial features are not distorted

it is clear the customer cannot close their mouth (for example, due to a medical condition)

You must reject photos if the customer’s expression changes the shape of their face, for example if they are:

A customer’s expression which changes the shape of the face can stop the system from capturing accurate biometric information.

You must accept a photo if the customer’s expression does not change the shape of their face.

You must reject photos with shadows on or around the face, if the shadows hide the customer’s face.

We may accept small shadows on the face, under the chin, or in the background (for example, beneath the ears or behind the head) when the:

customer’s face or facial features are not hidden

digital photo has passed the automatic checks

Customers may send us a digital photo that they have taken themselves, for example with their phone held at arm’s length (a selfie). You can accept these photos, if they meet the other photo standards.

You can accept a photo that has been digitally edited if this does not affect the image of the customer (as we must be able to capture a true likeness of the customer). For example, you can accept a photo if the background has been edited to remove shadows or marks.

You must reject any photos if the customer has digitally enhanced their facial image, for example, altering the hairline, removing blemishes or making facial features larger or smaller. We will not be able to capture an accurate facial image if the customer’s features have been enhanced.

You can accept a customer’s photo where filters have been used if the photo:

is a true likeness of the customer

meets all other photo standards You must accept filters that change the:

You must not accept filters that:

add any textures or special effects to photo

make the customer look younger or older

HM Passport Office will not accept black and white digital or paper photos. They make it difficult to tell a customer’s skin tone, eye colour and true likeness.

This page tells examiners about the extra standards paper photos must meet.

In addition to the standards for paper and digital photos, the following standards apply only to paper photos.

Photos printed at home must be of a similar, high quality to photos printed at booths and studios. Examiners will only accept home printed photos if they meet the standards.

Photos must be printed on good quality photo paper and free of creases, serrated edges, ink marks and other visible damage, including staples and paper clip marks, so that the customer’s image can be captured clearly. HM Passport Office will not accept glossy or textured paper, as it may cause haze and glare and distort the image on screen. We will reject photos with watermarks that show up on the screen when scanned.

Passport photos must be 45 millimetres (mm) high x 35mm wide. If a photo is too small, white gaps will show around the edges of the scanned image. If the photo is too large, the head size may not be correct when we cut it down to size. A customer’s photo must measure between 29 mm and 34mm from the crown (top) of head to the bottom of chin.

Customers must send 2 paper photos that meet the standards. If only one photo is needed (for example, as part of a renewal application) and no countersignature is needed, you must not ask for a second photo.

If the customer needs a countersignature, only one of their photos must be signed on the back. The other must remain blank. You must reject any photo that has writing or printing that shows up on screen when scanned.

This page tells examiners when we accept photos that do not meet photo standards.

There are some exceptions to when we can accept photos, that do not meet our photo standards.

Customers with a physical or mental disability that prevents them from meeting the photo standards may be exempt if either:

it is clear from the photo or application that they have such a disability

their application is supported by a written statement from the customer or their parent, carer or doctor

You, the examiner, may waive some or all of the following standards:

eyes looking at the camera

eyes in correct position (vertical eye band)

full face toward the camera You must make sure that:

the photo captures the face of the customer

you deal with the issue sensitively

You must add a case note to confirm your decision.

Customers applying online through DCS, have the option to override a photo warning. They must then add the reason why they’ve overridden the warning in the free text field. You, the examiner, must use this information to decide if you can accept their photo.

If a visually impaired or blind person has their eyes shut, HM Passport Office may accept the photo. We may also accept permanent or long-term eye patches, but not temporary eye patches. Customers must remove tinted glasses.

You must not accept photos of the customer with temporary injuries (for example, black eyes).

We may accept head coverings worn for religious reasons, as long as they do not cover the face. We may also accept head coverings worn for medical surgery or illness (for example, scarves or bandages for head wounds or hair loss) as long as they do not hide the face.

If you, the examiner, have doubts about whether a head covering is worn for religious or medical reasons, you must ask the customer to write to HM Passport Office, stating their head covering is:

worn for religious or medical reasons

a normal part of their daily attire

If a customer needs to travel urgently and meets the criteria for Tiered Application Service or urgent government business, HM Passport Office may issue them with a Restricted Validity Passport, even if their photos do not meet the standards.

The examiner must tell the customer that they must apply for a new passport (at their own cost) as soon as possible.

Children under the age of 6 must meet the standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organisation.

While photos of children must be a true likeness, examiners may waive the following:

both eyes are not open (for example, if the child is less than one year old)

child wears permanent or long-term eye patches (for example, to correct a squint)

child does not have a neutral expression

child does not have mouth closed

child not looking directly at the camera

If HM Passport Office has delayed an application, you, the examiner, must use your discretion to accept a child’s photo submitted up to 6 months ago, as babies and children are likely to change over a 6 month period. Photos must always show a true likeness of the child or you will need to ask for new ones.

If you are not fully satisfied, you must ask the customer for 2 new, recent photos. For more examples, see the GOV.UK guide showing acceptable images.

This page tells you, the examiner, how HM Passport Office’s business partner, Sopra Steria Ltd (SSL), checks customer photos on applications processed on the Application Management System (AMS).

SSL check all photos except for photos on applications:

sent on Digital Customer Services (DCS)

received on paper by HM Passport Office counter

sent by our partners (Post Office Ltd)

These will have already been checked and the photo QA tab will not show at data verification stage for DCS applications.

SSL will write to the customer asking for 2 new photos if they do not meet photo standards for UK paper applications.

If a photo is of poor quality (for example, blurry) and facial matching checks cannot be completed, AMS will generate a warning.

If a photo has failed photo QA and eye positions are:

SSL will write to the customer, for UK and overseas paper applications only, asking for 2 new photos if:

customer is not squarely facing the camera

hair is covering customer’s face

eyes are not clearly visible (for example, covered by hair)

part of head (but not hair) is cut off

head covering does not appear to be worn for religious or medical reasons and there is no supporting letter

photos are not correct size (for example too small or large)

SSL will forward unacceptable photos to HM Passport Office if they fail the following standards:

reflection or glare on glasses

rims of glasses hiding the eyes

customer wearing eye patches, sunglasses or tinted glasses

head covering (application may be supported by a letter)

shadows that hide the face or facial features

red eye visible on photo or photo QA screen

If a photo has passed photo QA and the eye positions have been incorrectly identified, SSL will untick the ‘eye position acceptable’ field and forward the application to HM Passport Office.

If the photo has passed photo QA and the eye positions have been correctly identified, SSL will apply the remaining photo standards.

If SSL feels the customer has failed to meet the photo standards because of a physical or mental disability (even if the photo has passed photo QA) SSL will case note the application and mark it for the attention of HM Passport Office.

SSL do not write out for photo standards for children under 6 years old. They will pass these to HM Passport Office.

This page tells you, the examiner, how to check that paper and digital photos meet the photo standards on the Application Management System (AMS) and Digital Application Processing (DAP).

When you are checking a photo, you must consider how the photo will appear when it is printed on the passport. For example:

the photo on the passport may be much smaller than the photo you view on a DAP or AMS screen

background marks or shadows visible on screen may not be visible when the passport is printed

You must also deal with any system notifications (for example, any warnings or matches). If the system prompts you, you must refer the application for authorisation.

You, the counter front office examiner, must use the standard eye distance template, making sure paper photos meet the template requirements, as well as photo standards.

You must tell the customer that their photos will also need to undergo automated checks.

You must ask the customer for 2 photos but will accept one if:

the customer is renewing their passport

a countersignature is not needed The counter front office examiner must:

use the Office use only section of the application form to note when photos meet the standards

place both photos in the sealed side of the wallet

SSL will then attach the photo (with no writing on the back) to the application.

When the examiner enters the examination screen, the ‘Photo & Sig’ tab will be highlighted for DCS and partner and counter applications. The ‘Photo & Sig’ tab will not be highlighted for all other application channels and service types, unless:

SSL has marked the application for the attention of HM Passport Office

SSL has selected the ‘unacceptable’ flag

the application has failed photo QA

If a facial matching warning appears on the system, see facial matching guidance.

If eye positions have been correctly identified but SSL has passed the application to HM Passport Office, the ‘Photo & Sig’ tab will be highlighted when the examiner enter the ‘examination details’ screen.

When the ‘Photo & Sig’ tab is highlighted, check the ‘eye positions acceptable’ tick box in the ‘QA completed’ field has been selected. If the photo is acceptable, select the ‘Photo OK’ tick box in the ‘Photo checked?’ field.

If the eye positions have not been correctly identified but the examiner thinks the photo would pass photo QA if the cross hairs were repositioned, the examiner must:

select the ‘validate photo’ button on the ‘Photo QA’ tab to revalidate the photo

When AMS revalidates a photo, an automatic case note is added and the ‘Photo & Sig’ tab will no longer be highlighted.

You must decide if a customer’s photo meets photo standards, using information the customer has given.

If you decide the customer’s photo meets the standards, and the photo has not failed any automated checks, you must:

If you decide the customer needs a new photo for their paper application, you must:

1. Create a text 350 letter on AMS asking for a new photo that meets the standards (see Sending a letter).

2. Include at least 1 reason that the customer’s photo failed to meet the standards.

3. Add a case note explaining why we rejected the photo.

4. Set an AMS ‘bring-up’ for the application service level (for example 14 days for standard applications).

You must wait for the customer to send us new photos, and when you receive them you must return the application to SSL for a rescan (see submitting an examining return to SSL).

The system will complete automatic checks on digital photos. The photo must pass these checks, or the customer must override the photo rejection (and tell you why) if the photo fails the checks.

If a customer decides to override their rejected photo, the customer’s free text note will appear in the ‘additional information’ tab in AMS and in the photo review screen on DAP.

You must decide if a customer’s photo meets photo standards. You must consider:

if the photo has passed the online photo checks

information the customer had given

the declaration the customer has made (for example, their confirmation the photo is recent)

If you are examining a digital photo on DAP or AMS, you do not need to manually repeat the checks that have been done by the online photo checks (if the photo has passed these checks). For example, the system will check the:

customer’s distance from the camera

customer’s eye position and any head tilt

There are some checks that the online photo check cannot complete. If you are processing a digital photo on AMS or a photo standards task on DAP, you must make sure:

glasses and frames do not cover the customer’s eyes

hair does not cover the customer’s eyes

customer’s eyes are not looking away

shadows do not cover the customer’s face or facial features

If you are processing a photo standards task on DAP, you do not need to check the photo is a recent image (as you are not shown the photo from the customer’s old passport). You must accept the customer’s declaration.

If you decide the customer’s photo meets the standards, and the photo has not failed any automated checks, you must:

If the customer meets a photo standard exception, you, the examiner, must:

select the ‘Photo OK’ box on the ‘Photo & Sig’ tab to override the rejection

If you decide the customer needs a new digital photo, you must:

1. Create a text 917 letter on AMS asking for a new photo that meets the standards.

2. Include at least 1 reason that the customer’s photo failed to meet the standards and a ‘next action’ paragraph.

3. Add a case note explaining why we rejected the photo.

4. Make sure the ‘Photo OK’ box on the ‘Photo & Sig’ tab is not selected.

5. Set an AMS ‘bring-up’ for 14 days.

You will not need to print out a paper copy of the letter, as we will not post it to the customer.

The customer will receive an automatic notification from DCS, asking them to follow the secure link. The link will let the customer read the letter on the online system. It will also direct the customer to the photo guidance notes.

The customer’s notification will also include a link that lets them upload a new digital photo. When the customer uploads their photo, the online photo tool checks and crops their image. The customer will be given guidance during this step, to help them capture an acceptable digital photo.

When the customer submits their photo online, an alert is created on AMS with a bring-up for that day, telling you (the examiner) that a new photo has been uploaded.

You must review the photo and if it is acceptable, you must case note the application.

You must repeat the process if you decide the replacement photo is also unacceptable.

Customers may tell HM Passport Office that they want to submit a paper photo instead of a digital version. DCS does not advertise this option but we will accept it if the customer asks for it.

We will give the customer an HM Passport Office postal address where they can send their paper photos.

After you get the photo, you must print and prepare a blank paper declaration form and send it to Sopra Steria Ltd (SSL) for scanning. The scan request must be marked ‘Photo re-scan only’ to make sure that only the photo (and not the entire application) is replaced (see Submitting an examining return to SSL).

When the new photo has been scanned on AMS, you must continue to examine the application and new photo.

DAP applications are subject to our automated process. Some applications are processed in DAP automatically and will not be referred to a DAP examiner.

You, the DAP examiner, must only check a photo meets the standards on applications that have a photo standards task.

DAP will present a ‘photo standards’ task to you, the DAP examiner, on some applications.

If you decide the customer’s photo meets the standards, you must:

If a customer fits a photo standard exception, you, the DAP examiner, must accept it, by selecting the ‘yes’ button on DAP.

If you decide the photo is not acceptable, you must:

The application will remain in DAP. When the customer uploads a new photo the application will be allocated to the next available DAP examiner.

You, the DAP examiner, must decide if you need to ask the customer for more information about their photo. For example, if the customer has not provided information about why their photo does not meet the standards.

You must transfer the application to AMS if you need more information from the customer.

You do not need to check a photo if you are processing another task (for example, a manual facial matching task). The automated process checks the photo is acceptable.

If there is no photo standards task, you must not transfer the application to AMS or ask the customer for a new photo, even if you decide the photo does not meet the standards. This is because the system has checked the photo is acceptable.

You may decide to accept a customer’s photo after first rejecting it (for example, if the customer provides new information and the photo falls under the photo exception policy, or you decide that the photo does meet the standards).

You must add a case note explaining why you accepted the photo, and your contact with the customer.

You must contact the customer and tell them not to upload or send a new photo.

If a customer uses Check & Send or Digital Check & Send to apply for a passport but their photos do not meet the standards, you must only send the customer a refund letter, if the Post Office accepted the photos in error (see Partner Check & Send).

You must not send the customer a refund letter if the Post Office advised the customer that their photos were not acceptable.

If a Post Office clerk tells a customer they think their photo is not acceptable, they will record it on the application.

You may receive applications on AMS when the examiner working on DAP:

rejected the customer’s photo

cannot make a decision about the customer’s photo (for example, they need more information)

These applications will include a case note (see DAP to AMS transfers). You, the AMS examiner, must decide how to progress these applications.

This page tells examiners how to deal with photo errors during the examination process and after we issue the customer a passport.

You, the examiner, may find out about a photo error, either:

after we issue the customer with their passport

If HM Passport Office or SSL has made a scanning error (for example, scanned the wrong photo) and the application is live, the examiner must return the application to SSL for a rescan (see submitting an examining return to SSL).

If HM Passport Office has made an error and issued the customer with a new passport, the customer must contact us and return the passport immediately. These applications cannot be processed through DAP. Unless their passport has expired, the customer will not need to pay a new fee (see fees guidance).

You, the examiner, must ask the customer for:

You must cancel the customer’s passport (see preventing and resolving errors on passports).

You must add a case note to explain what:

If the customer has attached the wrong photo to the application, it’s their mistake and not an HM Passport Office error. If the application is live, you, the examiner, must ask the customer for 2 new photos, 1 certified (if needed).

If a countersigned application has been countersigned incorrectly, you must ask for:

a new photo countersigned by the original countersignatory

a new application with a new countersignature if the original is not available

If HM Passport Office has already issued the customer with a new passport but there is an error, the customer must return the passport and contact us immediately.

These applications cannot be processed through DAP. The examiner will ask the customer for:

When the passport is returned to HM Passport Office you must cancel the customer’s passport (see preventing and resolving errors on passports).

The section explains how we deal with refunds (after we reject a photo) and when we will return the customer’s photo.

If HM Passport Office has rejected a customer’s photo and the customer refuses to send another photo, we will not issue them a passport. We will consider any requests for refunds in line with the refunds policy.

HM Passport Office will not normally return customer paper photos, as they are part of official records. However, if a customer asks us to return their paper photos and their application is still live, we may return their unused, uncertified paper photos, unless there’s evidence of fraud.

Don’t include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details.

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