Professional Marathon Runner Emphasizes Taking Care of Body | Profiles |

2022-10-10 07:52:57 By : Mr. Carl Chen

Clear skies. Low 41F. Winds light and variable..

Clear skies. Low 41F. Winds light and variable.

Is there really a limit for what a person can do with a strong mindset? Joseph Aubourg, a trained professional marathon runner, started his first  race in 2012 when he ran for the New York Marathon. Since then he has completed a long number of marathons in many different states such as New Jersey, Chicago and Tokyo. Out of all the places he ran, the Chicago marathon has given him the best experience due to the fulfilling excitement of being in a different state and the wonderful sights he witnessed in the midst of his stride. In contrast, the worst marathon in his experience was Boston for its troubling and often unpredictable forecast.

Any person may ask what good is running for miles at a time, though it truly is something to experience firsthand to understand; not just the experience itself, but what you can receive from it, is what to consider when facing that question. 

“You feel better about yourself health-wise, and at the end of the day you’d feel accomplished with all you have done. That feeling can make you amount to anything. As for the people who decide to run for charity or other things, it will give them a strong feeling of responsibility that can make them do anything,” Aubourg said.

  Throughout his athletic experiences, Aubourg has always thought of what was best for his body and always took his health into consideration between activities. He truly believes that self-care is important, as well as always being open to new experiences that can take a person outside their comfort zone.  Regardless of what people tell him what he can and cannot do, or what they assume his limitations are due to his autism, Aubourg always works hard at whatever he sets his mind to in order to reach the result he desires. “If you have a goal to get something done, then just go for it. Don’t let anyone decide for you, just go for it and you will be surprised by what you can achieve. Just believe in yourself and never give up,” he said. 

When preparing for his marathons, Aubourg always tries to loosen up his body to avoid cramping up or feeling any discomfort, usually by stretching, running or any other way to keep his body active and prepared. Massages also work for loosening up the joints and muscles to avoid any internal injury or overexerting the body’s physical capabilities. He also conducts other practices for maintaining his health during his runs, such as eating in small portions moderately before the marathon so as not to get sick and to maintain his stamina, as well as wearing light clothing to avoid sweating too much and becoming dehydrated, whether the weather is hot or cold. 

“If it was too cold, I would wear long sweatpants with shorts underneath, a shirt and a hat with gloves. If it's warm I would wear shorts, or a singlet, I would have a hat that would keep me [protected] from the sun and some sunglasses to keep myself cool so I won’t sweat as much. I suggest bringing a few pairs of clothes since the weather can get very unpredictable,” he said. 

Unfortunately, no matter how much a person may prepare themself to avoid any possible injury, to receive one is inevitable. Regardless of that fact, it is more important to care for your body, even if it means withholding what you want or need to do. Whenever Aubourg was injured from his activities, he would give himself 2 to 3 weeks to recover. “It’s just so I don’t add on more stress to my body. I would also go through cryotherapy two or three times a week to help with my body,” he said. 

Overall, Aubourg has stuck to the method of listening to your his body when participating in marathons and sporting events. He always made sure there were no physical problems so that he could fully commit to whatever he chose to do. However, there was one instance where he did attend a marathon while seriously injured without knowing so. 

“I ran a Chicago marathon in 2019 while having three tears in my knee. I didn’t feel anything, but when my doctor told me a few weeks later I was completely shocked,” he said, but afterwards he gave himself time to properly recuperate. 

In the near future, Aubourg plans to run again in the Chicago marathon on October 9th as well as the marathon in New York on November 6th and the one in Philadelphia on the 20th, and he will work hard to see it through and reach his goals. With that strong mindset, and the will to complete whatever challenge is set for him, the sky is the limit to his capabilities. 

This past Saturday, Oct. 1, marks the beginning of the National Employee Disability Awareness month, which sheds light on the importance all people have, especially those with a disability, and recognizes the hard work they have put in over the years. More information on this month can be found on this following website.  

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