Lifestyle / 10 signs it’s time to start using reading glasses
Are you missing the signs that it’s time to start using reading glasses ? Since most of the changes we experience in our bodies happen gradually, we often adapt without noticing. In most cases, that’s a good thing. There aren’t high stakes.
But, when it comes to your vision, the natural ways your body will try to adapt to vision changes can ultimately harm your eyesight. So, we’ve cobbled together a helpful list of the 10 signs that may be telling you to start shopping for reading glasses.
When we’re struggling to see something, we squint. It’s a natural reflex we do without thinking to improve our visual clarity and focus. Of course, it only helps temporarily. When we do it regularly, however, it can be a sign that your eyesight has changed. And, over time, it can add strain to your eyes, ultimately making your vision problems worse.
The lenses in your eyes have natural plasticity to help you focus light. But, as you age, those lenses will start to lose their flexibility, much like the rest of your body. Unfortunately, there aren’t any stretches you can use to maintain the elasticity of your eyes’ lenses. But reading glasses can help compensate for the changes and preserve your eyesight.
If your arms have been getting a workout from holding your reading material more than 14 inches from your face, there’s a good chance you need reading glasses. Sure, your workout goals are important. But don’t you want to be able to more clearly see the results from your hard work? If it’s easier to read from a distance, consider investing in a pair of reading glasses.
When your eyes are having trouble focusing, the rest of your visual system has to work harder to compensate. And, if you’re doing a lot of squinting to try to focus, more muscles are working in your face. All of these things cause strain and, ultimately, headaches.
The lenses of our eyes focus light to improve our vision. But, as we age, they lose the ability to do this as effectively and it impacts our night vision. Of course, the changes are gradual and we often won’t notice. Instead, we may see changes in our behaviors.
Perhaps you’re turning on more lights to see clearly or investing in bulbs with higher wattage. Or, maybe you have stopped going to dimly-lit romantic restaurants because it’s too hard to read the menu. If this has become the norm for you, it’s a good sign it’s time to consider reading glasses.
Focusing on a computer, tablet, or phone screen can make you tired as your vision changes. And, it makes sense. As your eyes lose their plasticity, you must compensate. That can be exhausting.
Congratulations on making it around the sun another year! After the age of 40, you can look forward to your eyes saying, “Hey, we’re exhausted. Can you give us some help?” What this really means is that the muscles that move the soft lenses in your eyes have gotten fatigued and the lenses themselves have stiffened. And, who can blame them? They’ve been working hard for decades!
Some personal grooming tasks require attention to fine details. Shaving, plucking, and make-up application, all of these tasks require the ability to see things up close. If your loved ones are commenting that you’ve missed a spot you hadn’t noticed, magnifying mirrors with extra light can help. But, for the rest of your daily tasks, get readers.
Are you experiencing tired, dry, or watery eyes? Are you noticing they frequently look bloodshot or have dark circles underneath? These can be symptoms of eye strain. The stress on your eyes has far-reaching implications, even causing pain for your neck, shoulders, and back. If this is familiar, your body is telling you there’s a problem.
Presbyopia has Greek origins, in a word that means, “old eyes.” This is part of the natural aging process and there isn’t a cure. Even 20/20 vision doesn’t protect you from it. So if your new prescription isn’t quite enough to help, your eye doctor may have mentioned it. And it’s a sure sign to consider what kind of reading glasses you want.
Your eyes have been working hard for years. And, in most cases, their main break is when you sleep. They’re tired. But if you pay attention to the signs, you can enjoy your vision for years to come. Show your eyes some love. Give them a hand with some fashionable reading glasses.
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