The best movie quotes from The Lost Boys (1987) | It's A Stampede!

2022-10-14 04:55:41 By : Ms. Happy Cheng

In 1987, The Lost Boys swooped into cinemas. The horror-comedy, from director Joel Schumacher, starred Jason Patric, Corey Haim, Dianne Wiest, Kiefer Sutherland, and Corey Feldman, and followed the story of a family who move to the small town of Santa Carla, only to discover it is infested with vampires.

Mixing great gags with plenty of horror and vampire lore, The Lost Boys was a big hit at the box office and proved popular with critics. All these years later, it remains a fan-favourite, and is regularly mentioned in discussions about iconic horror films from the 1980s.

One of the reasons The Lost Boys has retained its popularity is thanks to some smart direction from Joel Schumacher. Another reason is the film’s ensemble cast, who all brought something different to the picture.

However, many cite the movie’s script as being a reason for The Lost Boys’ success. The witty dialogue, combined with some great ideas and neat observations makes it really stand out from the crowd.

In this post I am taking a look at the script with a run-through of the best dialogue. Below are all the best lines from The Lost Boys, to demonstrate what a superb movie it is.

Oh, and before I begin, here’s the tagline from the movie (which is also awesome): ‘Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It’s fun to be a vampire.’

Best The Lost Boys quotes

Alan Frog – “Notice anything unusual about Santa Carla yet?”

Sam Emerson – “No, it’s actually a pretty cool place… if you’re a Martian!”

Edgar Frog – “Or, a vampire!”

Sam Emerson – “You guys sniffin’ on newsprint or somethin’?”

Sam Emerson – “Mom, listen, I gotta tell you something – it’s real important. Shh! Santa Carla is crawling with vampires.”

Lucy Emerson – “Um, excuse me…”

Sam Emerson – “Mom, I’m serious! Listen, Edgar staked one, it was screaming and fizzing. Look, Mom, there’s evidence on my sweater.”

Alan Frog – “Santa Carla’s become a haven for the undead.”

Edgar Frog – “You did the right thing by calling us. Does your brother sleep a lot?”

Sam Emerson – “Yeah, all day.”

Alan Frog – “Does the sunlight freak him out?”

Sam Emerson – “Uh, he wears sunglasses in the house.”

Edgar Frog – “Bad breath, long fingernails?”

Sam Emerson – “Yeah, his fingernails are a little bit longer, um, he always had bad breath, though.”

Alan Frog – “He’s a vampire all right.”

Edgar Frog – “All right, here’s what you do: get yourself a good sharp stake and drive it right through his heart.”

Sam Emerson – “I can’t do that; he’s my brother.”

Alan Frog – “OK, we’ll come over and do it for you.”

Edgar Frog – “You’d better get yourself a garlic T-shirt, buddy, or it’s your funeral.”

Lucy Emerson – “You got carried away by a comic book?”

Sam Emerson – “It was a scary comic, mom. I’m sorry.”

Grandpa – “Well, now, let me put it this way. If all the corpses buried around here were to stand up all at once, we’d have one hell of a population problem.”

Max – “It was all going to be so perfect, Lucy. Just like one big, happy family. Your boys… and my boys.”

Edgar Frog – “Great! The Bloodsucking Brady Bunch!”

David – “Now you know what we are, now you know what you are. You’ll never grow old, Michael, and you’ll never die. But you must feed!”

Sam Emerson – “What’s that smell?”

Edgar Frog – “Vampires, my friend, vampires.”

David – “How are those maggots?”

David – “Maggots, Michael. You’re eating maggots. How do they taste?”

David – “Initiation’s over, Michael. Time to join the club!”

Edgar Frog – “Yeah, and you’re next!”

Paul – “No, you’re next!”

Paul – “Haha! Garlic don’t work, boys!”


Sam Emerson – “Look at your reflection in the mirror. You’re a creature of the night Michael, just like out of a comic book! You’re a vampire Michael! My own brother, a goddamn, shit-sucking vampire. You wait ’till mom finds out, buddy!”

Sam Emerson – “You’re a vampire! I knew it!”

Michael Emerson – “I am not!”

Sam Emerson – “So, what are you? The Flying Nun?”

Sam Emerson – “Wait, wait. You have a TV?”

Grandpa – “No. I just like to read the TV Guide. Read the TV Guide, you don’t need a TV.”

Michael Emerson – “Look, this isn’t a comic book, Sam, these guys are brutal killers.”

Sam Emerson – “So are the Frog brothers!”

David – “It is too late; my blood is in your veins.”

Michael Emerson – “So is mine!”

Max – “Don’t ever invite a vampire into your house, you silly boy. It renders you powerless.”

Sam Emerson – “Did you know that?”

Edgar Frog – “Of course. Everyone knows that.”

Sam Emerson – “Death by stereo!”

Edgar Frog – “I think I should warn you all, when a vampire bites it, it’s never a pretty sight. No two bloodsuckers go the same way. Some yell and scream, some go quietly, some explode, some implode, but all will try to take you with them.”

David – “Come on, be one of us.”

Grandpa – “One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach; all the damn vampires.”

Thank you for stopping by It’s A Stampede! to read this post about the best quotes from The Lost Boys. For more posts, be sure to check out the recommended reads below.

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