A new business in Sherwood Park Mall is hoping to help residents get a clearer vision of their lives.
Specsavers, an optometrist-owned and led business, has opened its first Alberta location in Sherwood Park.
Specsavers, which launched in Europe and began Canadian operations in B.C. in 2021, has been rapidly expanding and plans to open six stores in Alberta in October.
Dr. Richard Cole, optometrist at the Sherwood Park Mall location, said the company is very patient-focused.
“We’re the first location in Alberta. This was the first chance I had to get on with this company, but I’m excited,” Cole said. “I like the company’s values and I think they provide a good situation for all our staff, optometrists and patients. It is very patient-centred, and they provide us with great technology, a good setup and great products.”
Cole, who grew up in Sherwood Park, said his parents still live in the hamlet and he is excited to return to the community.
“I was working in a variety of optometry clinics around Edmonton, but this was a unique opportunity. I think it will be good for me and good for patients,” Cole said. “We strive to help patients. Our business model, longevity of the company and history has put us in a position that allows us to provide good products at a very reasonable price for Albertans.”
Specsavers uses Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) technology as part of every standard eye exam and it offers of all the latest technology.
“We have the 3D scanning, which provides a 3D view of the retina and can be very useful in finding glaucoma, diabetes and other issues. We also have the retinal camera, which provides photographs of the retina and helps manage different conditions,” he said. “We have top-of-the-line equipment and patients really appreciate it.”
Naomi Barber, director of optometry at Specsavers, said one in three Albertans haven’t had an eye exam in more than three years and 70 per cent of vision loss can be prevented by early detection.
The company also offers tablet-led glasses fitting technology, which it says provides patients with better fitting glasses.
“Whatever we can do to make the glasses as accurate as possible and make sure patients have the best vision possible,” he said.
Specsavers held its grand opening at the Sherwood Park Mall on Sept. 21, which attracted a good turnout, and the business has been busy booking lots of appointments since it opened.
This year, the company announced it is making an investment of $25-million to open 50 high-tech optometry clinics and optical stores in the province by 2024.
You can find out more about the company or book an appointment at specsavers.ca.
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